Planning Board

5 West Main Street
PO Box 17
Springville, NY 14141

P: (716) 592-4936

F: (716) 592-7088


UB Student Report to Assist Future Planning in the Village

Initiatives for Springville-Options for Comprehensive Planning


Board Members do not keep office hours.

If you have or need a matter for review by the Board, please email [email protected] or talk to a Clerk (716) 592-4936 x2

Meetings are held on the second floor at 65 Franklin Street. Meetings are normally the fourth Tuesday of the Month at 7:00pm. There could also be additional meetings and changes during the summer and with Holidays so check the Calendar of Events.

Chair Robert Muhlbauer

Member Barb Lipka

Member  Devin Kowalske

Member  Tim Shriver

Member  Greg Keyser


Minutes and Agendas